Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the stress level......

As far as my last post, I am feeling a littel bit less stressed today. Not 100% but good enough that I am not crying every night because i dont know what to do about everything going on. I still dont know how to fix any of the problems yet, but I know that its not the worst thing that could be happening and I know that I am a strong person. Someone had to remind me but she was right. I am a strong person and if i can make it threw all the other crap that has happened I can make it threw this slump. She also reminded me that I am not alone. I have been feeling like I am completely alone on so many levels. But knowing that I can call on my best friend even if I only get to talk to her with being so far away it helps alot. And not that i ever forgot that she is there for me. But the reminder deffinatly helped.

Last night being a crazy night in of it self, with out going in to any specifics, but it really helped me to realize my problems are not as bad as I was feeling. And after last night it helped me put myself in check. There are other people out there that are 10x worse off, and stressed than I am. And well I can ba a lot more help to those that need me.

thanks MVS, getting to talk to you helped a lot, love you lots!

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