Monday, November 16, 2009

Hotel Happenings Part 4

ok..its getting etream!

I get a phone call Sat night around midnight, The night auditor is looking for a little advice on what to do....To start the phone said "I am getting non stop phone calls from guest complaining about the noise coming from the 3rd floor and I'm to scared to go up there. What Should i do?"

So I told her if swhe doesnt feel comfortable to go up there, no security is there and with the amount of complaints, you should call the Police and have them come and issue noise complaint ticket and have all persons that are not registered guest kicked out.

ok so this is all I hear about this until I get a second phone call tonight telling me about what else happened.

Front desk clerk all of a sudden hears gun shots coming from out side (and her phone rings, her best friend is in the parking lot, and witnesses the shooter)

The shooter, shoots out a 3rd floor Window, everyone scaders in diffrent directions. Piles of people getting in to diffrent cars. And people running down every stairwell. Well now the police have been called for a second time and told by the clerk (who has now ran and locked herself in the fitness center bathroom). Explaining tothem that shots have been fired that police arrive shortly after.

And Do a full investigation kick everyone out, but of course there is a large group of people that refuse to leave. Decide to yell at the desk clerk and police finally get them to leave. But now there has been aother squad called to man the front desk area to protect the clerk since the police are worried that those people will return and try to hurt the clerk.

Results: The Police remain at the hotel for over 3 hours and return again in the morning to collect the survelence footage.

1 comment:

  1. I see the crazy things and crazy ppl that come to that Hotel don't change But damn I can agree a bt extreme..
